How I like to work
Although I make Linocuts, Etchings and experiment with other methods of printmaking, I particularly enjoy making Collagraphs.
Collagraphs are made by sticking down a collage of materials; usually on card or board. Once varnished the 'plate' can be inked up and printed. I tend to use this technique for my nature inspired work. I often use string and stockingnet because very delicate results can be achieved.

I love taking photographs to remind me of scenes that inspire
especially if I am away for the weekend or on holiday.

Sailing across sounds in New Zealand and seeing Fjords with mineral colours on the rock faces when close up led to my Copper Fjord edition:

Inking up
One of the things that excites me about Printmaking is that you can ink up a plate in many different ways to achieve different results.
You can see what I mean with my Beneath Beneath series of Collagraphs all created from the same plate: